Moo Do Chung Shin

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 What's your story

You ever have those days where things just start off wrong?
... So today, I get up and I'm rushing because I stayed in my bed for a bit after my alarm, that I didn't set early enough anyway, went off. I was rushing to make my breakfast and at one point spilled all of my forks out of where I keep them in the cabinet and onto the floor. I also had to run back upstairs to grab something that I had forgotten just as I was about to walk out the door. Throughout all of this, I'm telling myself to relax and reminding myself not to give my peace away to the aggravation anger I was feeling. To be honest, I awakened quite upset/grumpy. I leave the house with breakfast in hand and get into the car. As I'm driving to my Tang Soo Do class, I begin to pray and ask the Lord for help with this anger that's just so heavy (I think that's the word). I kid you not, as I'm asking for peace and telling the Lord that I give the anger to Him, right as I'm starting to feel better, I look down at my lap and see the honey from my bagel has dripped out of the foil and onto my dobok (uniform). I didn't have time to eat before I left so I was eating on the way.

I stopped mid prayer and just sat there in silence, trying to determine if I was feeling even angrier and nodding my head at the irony of it all. The rest of my drive consisted of me trying to finish the bagel and using a wipe to unsuccessfully clean my pants. I thought about turning around and just going home because of how upset I was and because my spotless, white pants were now visibly stained. But I didn't. I stayed the course.
So that was my morning, all before ten o'clock.

I know these are little things but sometimes life throws little things at us and they continue to build until one last "little thing" causes us to contemplate turning around and forgetting everything. Often, our resolve grows thin and we even come to a place where we feel nothing matters. I've been there for too much of my life and can thankfully say I'm no longer there. And I don't want that to be my story or how it ends. Today in class, we learned the phrase Moo Do Chung Shin which means Tang Soo Do Spirit. The spirit of TSD is one of determination and perseverance. And that is what I want my story to be, one of triumph.

What is your story right now, whether today or overall? What is your life's story? Because it can be one of triumph. No matter what you're going through right now, things can change. You can change. The Bible tells us that our victory is in the Lord, not just spiritually but in our daily lives. Those of you who are familiar with my 2015 posts know how hopeless my mindset used to be. How defeated and utterly worn I was... and I was like that for years. Everything didn't just get better overnight but the Lord has caused me to triumph. I'm not saying that everything is 100% better but so many things are. And that is because of Jesus. The same is possible for you if you believe.

It's so hard and feels impossible to believe that things/my life/I can change or be different.
I get it.

So let's just take it one thing at a time. Let's just believe for one thing in your life to improve and take action in that direction. No matter what happens. No matter what we face. No matter what we're up against. In 2016, I wasn't believing to never be depressed again or to overcome an eating disorder. I was just believing that I could move to California that year. That it wasn't just a silly dream I had as a girl. And I've been here for two years now-- and I'm overcoming an eating disorder. And the depression has been very low. I wasn't believing that my life would be perfect, just that things could get better. And they have gotten better.

No matter what "little things" you find building up in your life, refuse to "turn around and go home". Refuse to let that be your story. In Jesus, triumph is our story. Don't give up. Even if all you can do right now is take your meds, or see a therapist/counselor, or save some money, do that in the hope that things will get better. It may seem like I can easily say this because of where I am but I'm still taking actions in my belief that other things in my own life will change. Don't give up and don't stop taking those actions of hope. Stay the course. We'll get there.

** Scripture References:
1st Corinthians 15:57
James 2:15-17

Live Life. FearLess.


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