Change of Scenery

New inspiration

So today I went to my old job for a visit and saw some of the kids I used to teach. It was great and I missed them so much! They made their affection towards me clear through hugs and shared stickers and drawings! After my visit, I went over to the library to work on my writing pieces for my portfolio portion of my college application to the University of the Arts for the fall Semester (that was a mouthful). I'm still at the library now and it's super cold, which made it difficult for me to work. I hate the cold, it's my one and only Kryptonite. I closed out what I was doing on my laptop and started to peruse the aisles for interesting books. I found three, which I can't wait to begin, and sat back in my spot. Then it dawned on me, I'm at the library, not at home. My usual writing scene is either my bedroom or my living room and I'm not saying that's a bad thing but how fresh it is to be able to write in a different location! My inspiration to write is totally different because my environment is different. I could write about the dullness of the carpet (though I won't) or the questionable smell from the person next to me that I just smelled (though I won't!). The possibilities are endless.

Even though I've been to this library many times, I've never been here as a blogger. The sounds are different, even the atmosphere is a bit different. Here in my cushiony, wooden chair in a corner in the back of the library, I feel different. I feel excited! All because my scenery changed and as a result, so did my focus, my inspiration. Sometimes we need a little change of pace to keep ourselves motivated and encouraged, even as we use our gifts. I'm not in any way downplaying the writing I do from home, I'm just expressing how great it feels to express my gift in a way that feels like more than a hobby. For me, writing is my career even though I've yet to see major profit from it. But doing it someplace outside of my bed and pj's really helps encourage me to keep going. I feel like I've traveled someplace new and exotic and was assigned a writing task. It may sound like I'm making much ado about nothing but that's really all it takes sometimes for us to be rejuvenated in our craft or gift.

If you have a passion for something and you can't help but to pursue it but find yourself noticing that it has more of a hobby like feel to it at times, I would encourage you to change things up if you can. If you make music at home, try renting a studio one day for a session and do your magic there. Maybe ask neighbors or strangers if you could draw their likeness instead of just sticking to your nature illustrations. I want to make it clear that I am not advising abandoning your original style or preferred way of expressing your creativity or art. I'm not even suggesting that pursuing your passion from home is a fruitless endeavor. What I am saying is that taking advantage of a new location or opportunity is amazing for growth. Not only creatively, but in life as well.

Our outlook in life often remains the same because of our scenery. There will be times when we will have to change our outlook before our scenery changes however, other times, our scenery can be the first to change. In my situation, it was both things that changed. My setting went from being my home to the library and my outlook went from using the new space to writing out my portfolio to writing a new blog post with fresh excitement. I will resume working on my portfolio but I didn't want to waste this opportunity to be encouraged that what I do is purposeful. There is a reason God gave me this ability to paint a picture with words and I will use it whenever and wherever I can. God gave you a gift too and it may not be writing. Whatever it is, use it to the fullest degree. If you are bored of where you normally use it, pray and ask God to give you that change of scenery.

My prayer for you today is that God will give you a change of scenery and a different outlook in whatever area you need it. It could be creatively, or in your finances or health, it could be relationally. Whatever it is, God is able. Your outlook for your future may be wearing thin. Remember that bar we talked about? Please don't let go. Things can change. Things do change.


  1. I love you Miss Rayven!!! You are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! You are an amazing writer. I write but I never saw it as a career. But that is exactly what it is. No money yet either but it is coming for both of us. This post gave me greater insight into my gift. Thank you VERY VERY VERY much. Keep on doing what you are doing...loving it!

  2. Thank you so much for posting that, I definitely needed to read it. Even while writing yesterday, I was wondering if my post was making any sense or if it had any meaning for anyone other than myself. I felt like I was rambling and that no one would really care. But I still posted it and I'm glad that I did. Thank you again for what you said!

  3. First of all, congratulations with going back to school. Your writing skills paints a complete picture of you, your thoughts, and your surroundings, however, you forgot to include a few things, which I enjoy when painting or programming, a well lite environment and brightly painted walls. In addition, familiarize the readers of the smell of new or used books. Overall, I know in the future you will be a novelist, just as well as God using you for purpose to draw souls closure to Him.

  4. Hey, thanks for your feedback! I've actually been thinking of adding pictures to add more of a personal feel to my blog, if that's what you mean by "brightly painted walls". Thanks for the support, Eugene! Spread the word!


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