
I'm not talking about the holiday

I try to maintain a thankful heart throughout the year and I work on maintaining an attitude of everday gratitudeBeing thankful, particularly to God, is declaring over the enemy the goodness of God and reminding myself of the goodness of God in my life. I'm thankful for so much and have been blessed with so much this year. Using my words to thank God keeps His kindness fresh in my mind so that on the days when it looks like nothing is going right, I can remind myself that, "Hey, remember this, God did this for you." "Remember that, God made a way." Be purposeful in meditating on all that you know that God has done for you. And express it. Talk about it, speak about it to others and especially yourself. I'm remembering the scripture which mentions how we overcome by "... The word of our testimony." When things get tough, remind yourself of what God has done for you and thank Him for it. And don't wait for Thanksgiving to come around to really reflect on and meditate on His kindness towards you. Be overwhelmed by what He's done for you and is doing for you. 

I'm in a place where I awaken everyday and mention to God that I am actually in California, my dream state. I'm mentioning it to Him as much as myself because getting here was not easy. This dream of mine to someday move to Cali and pursue my desires is coming true for me every single day and I am amazed. Maybe things are falling apart for you in some way and you feel hopeless, but don't give up. Friends, we've made it this far and we can make it further still. Remind yourself, the enemy and your situation of how God has done for you what only God could do. And then be comforted in knowing that He will do it again. He doesn't fail. He doesn't change. He is faithful. I truly hope that this holiday is filled with joy and peace for you, especially in the midst of any challenges you may be facing. You have made it this far, keep making it. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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