New Things In Store


Venturing Out

These past few months have been very busy and tiring. Not really tiring in a bad way, tiring due to my job and my own physical stamina. I went on a retreat in April with a friend and their church and it was amazingly refreshing! I had a lot of prophetic word spoken over me and a lot of confirming words. I left feeling a renewed sense of empowerment with God's strength and boldness and power. I had such a great time! Thank you for inviting me Stephanie!!

Also, I spoke with a publishing company in May for one of many books on which I've been working. He gave me a lot of information and suggested I call back in this month so we can move forward from there. That is beyond exciting for me! I've been working on this book since 2012 and I've always considered writing to be my main job, my career and now that I've actually been in touch with a publishing house, I can see the reality of my faith filled words from long ago. God is doing so much for me and in me. I have been given countless opportunities to serve with my church and am loving seeing God's plan unfold before me. I ask myself, "can things get any better?" and God is constantly showing me that they can!

And that brings me to the present...

I'm going to California!!!! God has been opening door after door for me and has reawakened my dreams which I thought were lost. In May, my sister, Zoe`, went to LA for the weekend and while she was away God reminded me of my own California dreams. When she came back, I realized that there was no reason for me not to go. It was as if God helped me realize that California really does exist outside of my thoughts and that it is possible to get there. In the past, I have felt absolutely drained of my hope to ever go to Cali. I always thought that due to what I had experienced and where I had ended up in life, that my dreams were over and never to be reached. But God has other plans for me obviously.

I recently quit my job at the local grocery store and was miraculously able to save over two grand towards my trip to California-- I had a very minimum wage job... Jesus does the impossible everyday. I have booked my plane and hotel and will be leaving on July 9, a Saturday. I have been looking for a nanny position and did get a few responses from my applications. I have also been placed in contact with a famous LA producer by a dear friend and am excited to see where this path leads. God is just doing so many new things and is reminding me that He has my life and that the plans He has for me are to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future. 

If you have given up on dreams you once had because you feel as though you're too old or too young or that too much time has passed, please don't abandon them forever. God is always mending and restoring and reminding us of His hands in our lives. Whatever happened in your past does not have to affect God's plans for your future neither can they dictate what God is able to do. Last year, I was suicidal and desperate for the anguish to end. This year, I am preparing for a long term move to the "Promised Land", the place where dreams come true. And I can not wait to see what and who God has waiting for me there! Things can change friends, they really can. Please hold on another day. We are in this together. And He is able.


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