Welcome to 2017

Happy New Year!!

So let's talk about resolutions...
Now is the time when everyone is making tons of resolutions to improve their lives and be better versions of themselves. Some are quitting smoking and other addictions, while others are focusing on their diets and have resolved to drop a few pounds. What if we make some resolutions that have nothing to do with our bodies (unless you think you can make some to encourage being happy with yours)? The following resolutions of mine are not to suggest that I did a horrible job in these areas last year but there is always room for improvement, right?

  • To pray for others more (specifically my co workers)- It dawned on me that I haven't spent anytime in prayer for my coworkers and being that I'm in their lives on a daily basis, that's not okay for me. This is a resolution I'm going to put into practice immediately.
  • To go deeper in God- This one is obvious
  • To increase my writing- I have set a writing goal of at least two pages a day for one chapter a week. I'll monitor my progress and modify the goal if it is unreasonable but soon I want to up it to a chapter a day for an overall goal of seven chapters a week.
  • To "just be"- I'm in my dream state and I am going to soak up as much of it as possible
  • To be okay with spending on myself- Since the beginning of last year, I began to invest in self care and spending on myself was always the most difficult part. I always felt guilty after catering to my needs monetarily and was even overcome with frustration the other day after clothes shopping. I feel a lot better about what I bought for myself and will work towards being at peace for future self buys.
  • To work on releasing an EP- I have lots of songs that are just taking space in my notebooks and on my phone, time to do something with them!
These are just a few of the goals which I'm sure will grow. I am so excited for this new year and am curious about the path my journey will take! I want to acknowledge that I am aware of how difficult entering a new year can be, especially when the new one feels just like the old one. Let me be honest, I am still struggling in a lot of ways but I finally entered a new year without the dread and misery of it feeling like a run on year. It is possible, friends. Some of you may have rang in the new year in a worse mental, spiritual or other state of being and maybe for you it just sucks right now. I've been there and I offer my empathy and care. But it can get better.

In years past, I got so tired of believing that anything would ever get better and depression enveloped me but God didn't let me go. Remember that bar we've talked about? You've held onto it this far in an effort to remain above ground and you're doing so well! If all you can do today is be kind to yourself and one other person, do that. If you feel yourself slipping, please get support. It is not a sign of weakness to need or get help. But then even if it is at times, why is weakness considered a bad thing? Babies are weak and can't rely on themselves but no one shames them. But that's because they're babies. No one expects them to have it all together. So what? Sometimes we fall and slip and injure parts of ourselves on the way down and yeah, we need help because those injured parts are now weakened. It happens.

Reach out if you need to and don't ever stop fighting for yourself, even if you are the only one who recognizes your need for attention. Sometimes, we need attention and it is okay to get it. Whether you've relapsed in whatever area you're fighting, whether you just developed an addiction or ed or maybe you are sick with another mental condition, please reach out. I am not ignoring those out there with physical conditions, I just mean to encourage those of us out there with mental ones because they are often hard to seek help over. This is going to be a great year, guys and when it gets rough, turn to the One Who is mighty to save. Let's embark on our journey in this new year together and let's not forget the support we have and the support we can offer.

Happy New Year!!



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